Post-ATLAS III Activities (2025)

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I.Post-ATLAS Feedback (Lead: E=duardo Diaz/Staff: Alperen Eken and Heidi Ullrich)

ATLAS III Programme Committe=e Survey

The survey (EN/FR/ES) was sent to all A=TLAS III Participants was sent in December. The aim of the survey is to get= feedback from the participants of the ATLAS III programme

30 EN;5 FR; 8 ES as of 13 December.

The Programme committee can recruit other volunteers with the appropriate skills to do a=n analysis of the feedback from ATLAS III Participants

Recommendations will be develope=d from the analysis of the feedback for =implementation by the Participants, the ALAC and/or RALOs

TheATLAS III Reporting Working Group's fin=al report can be foundhere.

Recommendations must align with the ATL=AS Ambassadors' Journey graphic to provide specific tasks, objectives and o=utcomes for each step of their journey.

These recommendations wil=l also be incorporated into therelevant 2020 schedules for At-L=arge Policy, Outreach, Capacity Building and Communications.

ATLAS Participants/At-Large Ambass=ador ReportsAll ATLAS III Participants/At-Larg=e Ambassadors to complete a report on their experiences of ATLAS III
Analysis of Participant Interviews=The results from the interviews of= ATLAS III Participants are to be reviewed and analyzed
At-Large Academic Engagement=Develop an At-Large Academic Strat=egic Plan that fits into the post-ATLAS III activities. Joanna to lead smal=l group to develop proposal.

Post-ATLAS III Activities (1)=p>

II. At-Large Regional Policy E=ngagement Plan - PEP (Leads: Heidi Ullrich and Alperen Eken)=

ATLAS III Programme Committee Interview Re=sults

Review and analysis of feedback

Collaboration between At-Large regional leadersh=ip, At-Large Staff and GSE RVPs

More regular communication and collaboration =betweenAt-Large regional leadership, At-Large Staff and GSE RVPs

<=p>with goals of more effective engagement and participation as well as stre=ngthening the RALO/ALS/Individual relationship

Creation of 'At-Large liaisons' in Regional offi=ces

The At-Large Liaisons will work closely with =At-Large staff and RALO leadership

III. Completion of At-Large Review Implementation= Plan Activities

1.ALS Mobilisation Working Group - Issue 2 (Lead: Alan Green=berg; Heidi Ullrich, Alperen Eken)

Reference document

Membership of WG Members

Set up workspace and hold first call

Group Discussions
Completion of Activities and ALAC =Approval
  • Criteria and process for individual unaffiliated membership
    • Review of the registration process - do we ask if they are regist=rants or even know about domains?
    • What skills and knowledge do they bring to the work of At-Large a=nd ICANN?
    • What interests do they actually have that can add value to the wo=rk of At-Large within ICANN - internet governance is not enough.
    • How do we assess the engagement of individuals within the work of= At-Large?
    • How do they carry out their outreach to their communities?<=/span>
    • Do we make it a requirement for evidence of community engagement =- a report required of at least one community activity related to ICANN?
  • Review registration process for ALS applicants (and for unaffilia=ted members)
    • What requested information is irrelevant?
    • What information is needed to ensure engagement is an objective?&=nbsp;
    • What do they know about ICANN and At-Large already?
    • What background knowledge do ALS members who will participate in =At-Large bring to help us do our work within ICANN?
    • Who are identified as the key participants within the ALS<=/li>
    • Are new applicants aware of the requirements for regular particip=ation and the deregistration process?
    • Should we make an expectation that each ALS must demonstrate that= they are carrying at least ONE outreach activity related to ICANN per year= in their community, and that they have at least ONE person from their ALS =actively engaged in an At-Large or ICANN working group or other activity

2. Completion of the At-Large Review Implementation Plan Act=ivities (Lead: Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Heidi Ullrich)

Status Report 2Report to be prepared and submitted to the OEC b=y mid-December 2019
Remaining Implementation ActivitiesFinalization of remaining items by April 2020
Final ReportReport to be prepared and submitted to the OEC b=y mid-May 2020

IV. 2020 At-Large WorkplanActivities<=/h2>

1.Policy Involvement (Lead: Jonathan Zuck / Evin Erdogdu)

CPWG CharterCPWG confirmation of charter, ALAC ratification =of the document and distribution strategy with Comms

Post-ATLAS III Activities (2)

At-Large Policy Platform

Presentation of final document at ICANN67 Commun=ity Forum in Canc=C3=BAn

Post-ATLAS III Activities (3)

Policy resource development

Policy Fact Sheets


Learnin=g Resources

At-Large DNS Abuse 101 Videos in EN, ES, FR=p>

GeoNames Videos in EN, ES, FR

Learning resources in development =with Joanna Kulesza, CBWG and ICANN Learn

Statements and advice

Incorporate recommendatio=ns from the ATLAS III Surveys relating to policy development for ATLAS Amba=ssadors

2. Capacity Building (Lead: Joanna Kulesza/Heidi Ullrich)


Catalogue of ICANN Learn webinar=s/courses

Establish a library of Onboarding resou=rces (working in with other constituency partners (GAC and NPOC) about:

  • At-Large. GAC, NPOC
  • Policy development and policy writing

Post-ATLAS III Activities (4)

ICANN Learn Course Catalogue - Nov. 2019

Road-map through the multi=tude of ICANN Learn courses and other primer material

  • Identify relevant ICANN Learn courses and At-Large webinars
  • Develop Comms plan to promote ICANN Learn courses
  • Identify gaps in courses and create necessary courses
  • Develop courses (101, 201, 301 which lead to a certificate or oth=er form of recognition)
  • Contribute to the development of relevant material that can enhan=ce the understanding ALS and individual members about issues of importance =to ICANN (focusing on simple non-technical language and in different langua=ges other than UN languages currently offered by ICANN)

Coaches and mentors
  • ATLAS III participants assigned as mentors/coaches to all ALSes/i=ndividuals in their region
  • Develop roadmap for mentors to cover with their mentees, includin=g regular check-ins
  • Regular feedback by coaches and mentors
  • Recognition of achievements (ladders for leadership?)

Development of the At-Large Ambassador Program

  • Establish program for ATLAS III participants to become At-Large A=mbassadors in their region
  • The program will be based on the recommendations that arise out o=f the ATLASIII survey and interviews relating to Capacity Building for ATLA=S Ambassadors
  • Ambassadors to increase knowledge in their own ALSes and then wid=en activities to local then regional activities
  • Work with coaches, RALO leadership team and GSE regional liaisons=.
  • Establish roadmap for each successive step with recognition (incl=uding at GA, etc).

3. OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT (Lead: Daniel Nanghaka/Heidi Ullr=ich/Gisella Gruber/Silvia Vivanco)


At-Large Participation Too=lkit

Develop a set of materials for each stage of =involvement:

1) Onboarding;

2) Initial engagement (WG membership; assigned a= coach/mentor;

3) Policy Advice develo=pment involvement;

4) At-Large leaders=hip

General Assemblies (planni=ng in collaboration with the Regional Leadership of RALOs who have Ge=neral Assemblies in 2020-2021: EURALO and LACRALO)

  • How can ATLAS III activities and learning be carried on to GAs as= a process of continued learning and skill building resulting in increased =engagement?
  • What kind of information is important to impart to members about =At-Large to encourage greater engagement by individual members (unaffiliate=d and ALS)
  • Has an assessment been carried out about those who were invited t=o the last RALO GA and how many are actually engaged a year later?=li>

RALO Outreach and Engagement Strategies
  • RALO O&E co-Chairs to be appointed by the RALOs<=/li>
  • Ensure that RALO strategies are prepared and presented to GSE VCs=
  • To include implementation plans and allocation of CROP and Discre=tionary Funding
  • Role of At-Large Ambassadors to be developed in consultation with= the RALO co-Chairs (who will discuss with RALO leadership)
  • Co-Chairs to share policy resources produced in-house by their RA=LOs in collaboration with their CPWG representatives
  • Incorporate the recommendationsthat come out of the ATLAS Survey =relating to Outreach

Repository of skills and interests

  • Survey of those members who are the key participants within ALSes= for skills and interests as they relate to key policy areas and outreach a=ctivities
  • Analysis of surveys to identify possible capacity building needs =and identify potential leaders in various interests (policy/engagement/outr=each/etc.)
  • Identify how these skills and interests relate to the policy, eng=agement and outreach activities of At-Large and ICANN

4. Operations/Communications (Lead: Maureen Hilyard/Heidi Ul=lrich/Evin Erdogdu)


At-Large Communications Strategy

See: At-Large Communications Strategy Workspace

  • Develop key messages we want to give about Post-ATLAS At-Large
  • incorporate any recommendations relating to communications from t=he ATLAS III survey
  • Draft Communications Strategy for comment.

Post-ATLAS III Activities (5)

Post-ATLAS III Activities (6)

Coordinate with NPOC and GAC Underserve=d Regions WG, and Public Policy WG

Include NPOC and GAC into resource and course de=velopment projects as well as encourage Meetings with GAC working groups (Y=rjo to coordinate with GAC Liaison)

Coordinate Resource Development activit=ies (from Policy, Capacity Building and Outreach)

Work with the Capacity Building Working Group IC=ANN Learn Design Teams to build more courses to support policy and penholdi=ng capacity building within At-Large

GSE Coordination in the regions (2xSall=ys) - Pacific Plan

Working with Pua Hunter (Cook Islands, GAC Vice =Chair) and Save Vocea (Fiji, GSE Oceania VP) regarding Pacific engage=ment project
Periodic Updates on ITI/ITPHold regular meetings with Jana an=d attend online consultation sessions

ALT+ At-Large projects fo=r SO-AC flexibilityfund

In preparation for the Los A=ngeles SOAC Chairs meeting at the end of January 2020
Feedback on CCEG-IGSend information to David Olive

RALO Commitments Ideas from ATLAS III<=strong>Brainstorming Excercise

RALOCommitment IdeasOutcomes
AFRALOEngaging and participating in WGs

Giving feedback to the RALO about the participat=ion and engagement

Reviewing the ROP for participation and finding =ways to improve them
APRALOCreating a document of shared experiences gained= during ATLAS3

Planning to hold joint APRALO outr=each events across all individuals and ALSes

Increasing local community to enga=ge and outreach

Holding joint webinars across the =community

Increasing participation to the CP=WG & Monthly Calls
EURALOBecoming more visible and effectiv=e participants

Becoming liaisons for communicatio=ns on behalf of ICANN to each of their National internet community

Creating interest groups for discu=ssion such as IPR, Cybersecurity

During the IGFs, ALSes, ICANN mult=i-stakeholder approach, and ICANN outreach will be promoted
LACRALOEverything said will be in a one-p=ager, that is to reaffirm the commitments, and to be shared with At-Large=td>

Each ALS will take action to commu=nicate ICANN=E2=80=99s vision and mission outside of ICANN

Making sure of engagement and incl=usion from gender and indigenous groups
Communicating ICANNs work within the ALSes

Committing senior members to becom=e mentors to 2-3 ALSes in the region
NARALOCommitting each member regularly t=o participate one or more monthly meetings or WG sessions

Picking a specific area of interes=t within At Large among active topics

Using the topic and leverage activ=e participation within At-Large
Post-ATLAS III Activities (2025)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.